Kissing is more than grabbing her and chewing her lips as if she is being punished!
Most ladies are naturally better kissers. I personally think it's because our lips are softer. A guy once kissed a friend of mine and she said
she almost drowned in his saliva, yuck! .....A simple rule of kissing is to swallow as often as you can if the kiss would last longer than 10 seconds.
Important tips I often recommend:
1. Oral hygiene.
2. Make your lips softer by brushing your lips once daily with soft toothbrush (especially if you smoke)
3. Just before kissing, moisten your lips a little with your tongue
4. Start with a closed mouth then slightly part your lips
5. Close your eyes, open them only when you pause
6. Start slow, go slow........don't be nervous, and don't always assume sex must follow. If you want your partner to touch you, show him where. If you don't want sex, turn him down nicely by hugging him tightly instead
7. Don't talk while kissing. Just be quiet.
8. Go deeper, open your mouth and explore your partner's tongue with yours
9. When you pause for air, don't give room for thinking. A lady should work her way with her lips and tongue to his cheek, neck and ears. A guy should kiss her nose, eyes and forehead, then back to her lips
10. Keep your hands busy. Explore the hair, back of the neck, upper and lower back. When you touch the back, gently push closer your bodies
11. If your partner's mouth remains closed, don't force it open with your tongue. That's rape! (Lol)
12. Don't forget to swallow your saliva as frequently as you can without interrupting the kiss
13. When you sense that your partner is slowing down, slow down too and also keep up when necessary
14. Reciprocate whatever your partner does
15. Keep your eyes closed! What are you looking at? 16. Stop for a while, pull back and look into your partner's eyes before kissing again
17. The length of a kiss shouldn't be too brief....Brief kisses are hardly passionate
18. Don't put your whole mouth over hers, don't engulf both lips at once, take either the upper or lower lip, not both at once
19. Don't forget the lower lip. Run your tongue over it occasionally 20. Always smile at the end and say something nice like "I have been thinking about kissing you all day, I just cant get enough" *wink
Now that you have been empowered, go and kiss your super hero!