Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Alcohol and Sexual performance.

I was travelling interstate about 2 months ago when I saw a billboard that read: "ACTION BITTERS.ESHIN LOMO.!"Na wa o. I can't seem to wrap my brain round how such mentality is passed from generation to generation, that the use of alcohol boosts your sexual performance especially unpurified spirit drinks like Alamo and ogudogba(real brand names withheld).You have to understand that theses drinks listed above actually have herbal drugs that cause sustained erection but in the long run,most of these substance users end up as mental health patients admitted for behavioral disorders due to those substances. These concoctions have a high alcohol concentration as well as impurities that readily enter your organs including the brain,causing significant damages.Yea yea, I know it is a difficult argument to win, but my honorable panel of judges I would try to convince you and not confuse you that alcohol indeed does more harm than good to our sex lives (Lool,smh to my debate skills).
The first thing you must understand is that alcohol is a brain depressant and not a stimulant.At moderate doses, it makes you socially dis inhibited which would appear to you as being bold and confident, but on the contrary you are not thinking at all. At the time of drinking, the part of your brain that controls your executive functions is impaired. These executive functions include motivation, impulse control, social behavior  judgement, planning and problem solving (to mention a few). So tell me, if these functions are absent at this time, where then would the boldness and confidence be coming from?

Where alcohol may succeed as an aphrodisiac in getting people "in the mood" it may fail in execution. During an erection, the penis fills with blood then the vessels close, preventing back flow  so that the penis remains erect. In the short term, over consumption of alcohol causes the blood vessels in the penis to expand, allowing for more blood flow, but prevents those vessels from closing. As a result, the penis may become erect but not remain so, as there is nothing to prevent back flow. 
In the long term, over consumption of alcohol actually damages the blood vessels and contributes to hypertension and even heart disease, both contributing factors to erectile dysfunction. In healthy men, moderate alcohol consumption should not cause erectile dysfunction.  Alcohol may cause premature ejaculation in some men and in these men there is difficulty sustaining an erection . Before the babe could start to enjoy herself, Mr Young vomited all over the place.(lol). Shakespeare wrote in a Scottish play: 'Alcohol increases the desire, but it takes away the performance'
Delayed ejaculation can happen in some men . This is frustrating and not pleasurable for any guy contrary to what you might think, bearing in mind that at the plateau phase(SXT 101), your respiratory rate, heart rate and blood pressure are all irregular,just like having a heart attack.The reason why orgasms are pleasurable is because every parameter above returns to normal 100% and you feel like a new born child taking the first breath of life. Now imagine hanging in the air and not being able to achieve that. This may be so bad that you need to take a shower to calm down, in some cases you might not even achieve an orgasm at all.
For women, they are easily aroused with alcohol but also have difficulty achieving an orgasm because blood flow to that area reduces if the alcohol consumed was much.Depending on the quantity or concentration of alcohol taken, one may find it difficult recalling events that occurred afterwards. So the shagging that you wanted to be special eventually wasn't because you weren't even sure what really happened.
A man is at his sexual prime in his early 20s, after then he should not expect Mr Young to perform wonders like before. Even your early morning 'PJ'(pkack jack:erection) would reduce. 
A woman is at her sexual prime for a much longer time till she reaches menopause, even after then she only has difficulties because of vaginal dryness that accompanies menopause. A woman however have mood swings that affect libido, this is a topic for another time .

So my readers, I hope I have been able to convince you and not confuse you that alcohol does more harm than good to our sex lives! Shag tonight with ice cream not alcohol. If you don't feel confident about your sexual performance,then you should seek professional help,doctors are paid to listen......and look good. 
Cheers. leave a comment.

source. Doc Laitan.

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